Hemant Last Online: 10 months ago

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Profile Type : He/She ready to Take Support
Primary Technology : Azure , Vm Ware
Relavent Experiance : 0
Current Avalibility : Available
Mother Tongue : English
Location : India
Last Online : 10 months ago
Proven expertise in setting up and troubleshooting operating systems and software. ⮚ Skilled in planning and managing programs and portfolios, risks, and compliance. ⮚ Adept at managing non-financial risks, working on Service Now, implementing budgets and forecasts. ⮚ Proficient in maintaining Service Now dashboards with SLA status etc. Prepare and maintain data for internal audits. ⮚ Proven expertise in planning and implementing projects based on the project delivery schedules and other SLA parameters. ⮚ Proficient in scheduling and negotiation with clients for service level agreements and balancing work distribution to meet project deliverables & delivery. ⮚ High mentoring ability with excellent communication and team management skills. ⮚ Possess an analytical mindset capable of managing business and operational exigencies. CAREER GRAPH
ProfileTypeTake Support
Primary TechnologyAzure, Vm Ware
Relavent Experiance0
Current AvalibilityAvailable
Mother TongueEnglish
GenderFe Male
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