• Answering phone calls, Obtain necessary information from users to adequately describe the request or problem reported and put it into the tracking tool. • Monitored and executed all end user calls related to IT Services. • Generating the tickets and aligning the Engineer of Concerned Team to solve the issue encountered. • Coordinating with engineer, as well as with user for the update of the call. • Closing the ticket ID with the proper resolution method followed by engineer to troubleshoot the issue. • Taking the user acknowledgement before closing the ticket ID. • Check and generate the Daily call report, Monthly call report • Interacting and escalate issue with senior and follow end to end resolution. • Coordinate and manage relationships with vendors that provide hardware, network and other support. • Remote Support as per requirement through Team Viewer, VNC, Remote Desktop to solve Windows and Software issue. • Installation, configuration and maintenance of Printers.
ProfileType | Take Support |
Primary Technology | Microsoft Windows 7, Ms Outlook, ServiceNow, Windows Server |
Relavent Experiance | 0 |
Current Avalibility | Available |
Mother Tongue | English |