My name sakshi I belong to Bulandshahr Uttarpradesh I belong to a army family most of the my family memeber are in army and i choose this filed due to intersest . talking about my schooling i have done it from bulanshar only From b k sr sec school and my board is cbse board . Currently I am pursuing B tech with computer scienec and enginnering from gla university . I am in final year. And I have done 2 interships first one is from JOVAC (Job oriented value added course ) which was based on web development in this internship , project i have made it was a shopping website, the idea behind this website was like we are living in hostels we face many problems to get things thats why we do so we add many shopping store to our website there ws a particular section for each store and information about them . there was a home page and login and sign up page, team page and about us page for users and if they login they can save their paasword and id .
ProfileType | Take Support |
Primary Technology | Machine Learning, Css, Html, Java, Node Js |
Relavent Experiance | 0 |
Current Avalibility | Available |
Mother Tongue | Hindi |
Gender | Fe Male |